Monday, April 17, 2006

Jump On the Band Wagon

Well I decided that I would jump on the band wagon and make myself one of these BLOG pages.

Tid Bit of the Day: The term "Jumping on the Band Wagon" comes from people wanting to listen to music. The wagon carried a band in a parade, and the best way to listen and get the live concert for free was to hop on the wagon and rock out.

What I'm Rocking Out To: Anna Nalick - Catalyst

So I am going to try and rock it out with you here. What can you expect? Anything! Everything! Honestly who knows what one day of my life will bring? That is the beauty of it. But I thought I would do this primarily to let the people I have known from one place to the next know where I am and what craziness I have gotten myself into. If you know me, you know my life could be a sitcom or a "summer trash" novel. I'm always looking for fun and enjoy having stories. I plan on remembering old ones, living the now ones, and creating future ones. Done solely by jumping on numerous wagons with bands!

I intend to write as often as possible so check back every now and then! Jump on this wagon with me. Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment any time. I'd love to hear from you.

This pic is from a Royal Mail "wagon" I jumped into... well attempted to anyways


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job ;)

9:21 PM, April 17, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love the royal mail bandwagon - way to go Beth... you better keep us all posted on the goings on in your wacky life :)

12:33 PM, April 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beth! I love it! I just added it to my favorites....I am not kidding. Pro-joyce for life!

12:43 PM, April 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beth, Loves it! You are a mess! Maybe I will create a Blog when I am by my lonesome in High River. I am an auntie!!!!!

6:33 PM, April 18, 2006


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