Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here We Go This Way, Here We Go That Way

Life shifts. When you think you have everything planned out you are wrong.

TidBit of the Day: Life Mapping is not following the pathways in your body like following the food down your esophagus such as you would drive your car up the highway. Life Mapping is a unique personal empowerment technique designed to help you identify your life purpose and be the most amazing you that you can be. You lay it all out there and set some goals.

What I'm Rocking Out To: KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See

So I was all ready to go to Cape Breton this Saturday. Now it is all changing once again. Instead of Education at Cape Breton I am going to be going to MUN. Just in case ya wanna know here's the new schedule (my life map). Summer 2006 - going to Saskatchewan for Native Law Summer Program (may 23-july 14th), then white water rafting with Charlene on the Ottawa River, then to YLCC?? Fall 2006 - MUN Education Term 1. Winter 2007 - Teaching Internship. Summer 2007 - MUN Education Term 2. Fall 2007 - University of Saskatchewan Law School... three years of that! haha. So that's the map if I connect the dots. But as I've found it all could change once again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe!
This is the first time I actually went to yor blog thingy! I love it! I am soooo happy that you decided not to leave me this year after all! I need you in my life!!! :)
anyway, keep up the good bloggin,

4:18 PM, May 03, 2006


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