Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Make The World More Beautiful

Lately I have put out statements of interest for the programs that I have applied for. I wanted to catch the reviewer's attention and to show them who I am. So I spoke about the Lupine Lady.

TidBit of the Day: From the book Miss Rhumphius - "When I grow up,"I tell her, "I too will go to faraway places and come home to live by the sea.""That is all very well, little Alice," says my aunt, "but there is a third thing you must do.""What is that?" I ask."You must do something to make the world more beautiful."

What I'm Rockin' Out To: Sarah Harmer - Trouble In The Fields

I remember when I was a little girl one of my favorite books was a story entitled Miss Rumphius and on my first day of YLCC it was our bedtime story. I wanted to be like her. To visit faraway places and then to come back home to live by the sea. But as Miss Rhumphius reminds her great niece "You must do something to make the world more beautiful." That is a big demand you may think, but really its not. Miss Rumphius did her part by spreading lupines throughout the hillside to make it more beautiful. I always wondered, "How can I do that?" I know I have a lot more time to do a lot more, but I think that keeping a positive focus and caring about not only your close friends, but for all people would be a great way to start.

Traveling to far away places (Venice) -->


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello ms.rumphius
how art though?
Ted told me you were at the tribal dance thing a ma jig!
have you learned to "shape shift" yet?
Do see if you can get that one down...i'd like to know!!
Marley was over 2 nights ago...had a fine prance around the garden
cool here today...offf to get hair cut...5 sparrow eggs not hatched yet
see ya

2:25 PM, June 01, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beth! Update this thing, would you? I want to hear about more things and know what you're 'rocking out to'...ha ha. Okay, have fun during you're last couple of days there before you go on your Ontario adventure! See ya! Love and Miss you - Alison P.

2:15 AM, July 04, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Anonymous! That's not very fun! So I'm going to tack on this annoying little second message that makes it looks like you have 3 comments when really its only 2! Sorry! love you

2:17 AM, July 04, 2006


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