Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

Well this week was the end of another period of my life. I have just added a couple of letters to my name: B and A. No my name isn't Beth Hardyba. I have just completed my Bachelor of Arts degree.

TidBit of the Day: Why the word Bachelor? Does it mean I am an unmarried man? Well back in the day, people who would graduate with the degree (young knights, students, and apprentices) were all men, and rarely married. But back in "origin land" the word comes from a junior member of a guild, or apprentice. It really just means "apprentice-level degree".

What I'm Rocking Out To: Tracy Chapman - New Beginning

So now that I have ended the Apprentice reality show of my own with out getting a pointed "you're fired" from the unfortunate hair, yet fabulously rich, Trump himself... what now? I'll keep on truckin'. I think what I have come to figure out is that I am just going to keep going until something sticks. I have no real plan or clear end in sight, but for now I'm ok with that.
<-- No clear end in sight

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Leave It For Bonnie Raitt

Today was the St. John's auditions for Canadian Idol.

Tid Bit of the Day: Past Canadian Idols are - Ryan Malcom, Kaylan Porter, Melissa O'Neil. Past Newfoundlanders in Top 5 are - Jenny Gear (5th), Jason Greeley (4th), Rexy Goudie (2nd)

What I'm Rocking Out To: Bonnie Raitt - Something to Talk About

What was I thinking not trying out!? Newfoundlanders are gradually making their way to the top. This year I could have been 1st - Beth Hardy, Canadian Idol. This year's tag line could go from "Sexy Rexy" to "Party Hardy"! But instead I just stayed home and studied for my exams, letting some other Newfoundlander get into the top ten.

I think I could have done it. I AM the reigning MUN Idol: I got up and sang my classic karaoke favorite "Something to Talk About" and in the finals I broke out my Dolly Parton "9-5". I won a wicked burger king crown, a day at the spa, a keg party, a limo ride, a highlighter and a canvas bag that said MUN Idol. I cleaned 'er! No record deal though.

I guess I will have to leave the song to Bonnie Raitt this year.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Jump On the Band Wagon

Well I decided that I would jump on the band wagon and make myself one of these BLOG pages.

Tid Bit of the Day: The term "Jumping on the Band Wagon" comes from people wanting to listen to music. The wagon carried a band in a parade, and the best way to listen and get the live concert for free was to hop on the wagon and rock out.

What I'm Rocking Out To: Anna Nalick - Catalyst

So I am going to try and rock it out with you here. What can you expect? Anything! Everything! Honestly who knows what one day of my life will bring? That is the beauty of it. But I thought I would do this primarily to let the people I have known from one place to the next know where I am and what craziness I have gotten myself into. If you know me, you know my life could be a sitcom or a "summer trash" novel. I'm always looking for fun and enjoy having stories. I plan on remembering old ones, living the now ones, and creating future ones. Done solely by jumping on numerous wagons with bands!

I intend to write as often as possible so check back every now and then! Jump on this wagon with me. Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment any time. I'd love to hear from you.

This pic is from a Royal Mail "wagon" I jumped into... well attempted to anyways