Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Point is Moot

The world of first year law school guarantees several things: 1) your class mates are / think they are all smarter than you; 2) Stress exudes from peoples pores and affects you by osmosis; 3) everyone hates mooting.

Tid-Bit of the Day: A moot point is one of those phrases that once had a firm and well-understood meaning, but no longer does. It means a matter that was uncertain or undecided, so open to debate. It is not a mute point. The mute spelling is a development that has come about because moot is now a fossil word; there is an understandable tendency to convert the unknown into the known, and mute seems to fit the new meaning rather better. But it’s wrong.

What I'm Rockin' Out To: Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield (Simply b/c "the point is probably moot")

Thursday I moot. I stand in front of a panel of judges who will undoubtedly rip me to shreds as though they were vicious tigers pouncing on a lone and feeble gazelle. I have to present why I think a trial judge was correct in how he ruled and answer any questions. Will I get the thumbs up? or the Thums down and be fed to the lions?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had the funniest mental image of you running around with wide eyes like a hunted gazelle. ha ha, good luck with it! I'm sure you'll do great, I've heard you argue with Anthony... Geez, I hope no one else from Harlow reads this. ha ha
Miss you lots! Love, Al xoxo

12:02 AM, January 24, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beth:
We are at Kath's and are wondering who is the Warrior ???? Enjoyed talking with you Sunday, keep up the studies, and forget the BLOG!!!!love you,LT

6:54 PM, February 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

8:18 AM, November 11, 2008


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