Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Point is Moot

The world of first year law school guarantees several things: 1) your class mates are / think they are all smarter than you; 2) Stress exudes from peoples pores and affects you by osmosis; 3) everyone hates mooting.

Tid-Bit of the Day: A moot point is one of those phrases that once had a firm and well-understood meaning, but no longer does. It means a matter that was uncertain or undecided, so open to debate. It is not a mute point. The mute spelling is a development that has come about because moot is now a fossil word; there is an understandable tendency to convert the unknown into the known, and mute seems to fit the new meaning rather better. But it’s wrong.

What I'm Rockin' Out To: Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield (Simply b/c "the point is probably moot")

Thursday I moot. I stand in front of a panel of judges who will undoubtedly rip me to shreds as though they were vicious tigers pouncing on a lone and feeble gazelle. I have to present why I think a trial judge was correct in how he ruled and answer any questions. Will I get the thumbs up? or the Thums down and be fed to the lions?!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bob's Your Uncle

Almost everyone has or knows someone who has an uncle Bob.... but not very many can say that he is a hero like my Uncle Bob.

Tid-Bit of the day: The phrase "Bobs your uncle" comes from Britich government. Robert, Lord Salisbury, the prime minister, appointed Arthur Balfour, his nephew, to the post of Secretary for Ireland in 1887. Balfour was considered young and a political lightweight, and the post was of high-profile.

What I'm Rockin' Out to: The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy

My Uncle Bob looked out the window on new year's eve and saw lights disappear on the pond outside his house. He knew something was wrong and someone had gone through the ice. Three teenagers had been driving an ATV and went through. He grabbed a rake and shovel and rushed to the ice. Then he fell through. He miraculously used the rake to get himself out of the water. He went back to his wharf and grabbed a life ring with rope and threw it out to the teens. The young girl grabbed hold of it and then swam to her friend (the other teen was not in sight). By this time the fire department had arrived. If it were not for my uncle, all three teens would have lost their lives that night. Unfortunately, the third boy's body was not found until the next morning.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Off to the Races - Again

Ok I am going to try and reinvent the wheel. I am going to try and stick to posting blogs as a resolution. Sorry for giving such a cold sholder. This way you can see what I am up to in the ever-so-fascinating world of ice and snow --- Saskatoon.

Tid-bit of the Day: The term "a cold sholder" comes from beef. The shoulder of beef is a less desirable cut. Serving a cold piece of beef shoulder to your guests is a not so subtle message that they are not welcome in your home.

What I'm Rockin' Out to: K-OS - Sunday Morning

So this blog is just to stay that I am back in action!
More postings soon!